4 letter word

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Okay, so to be clear all the people that got the riddle part right, you DO NOT get a personal Imagine. You get a dedication imagine. The AJ question was for a personal imagine. Next time I'll be more clear.

Also, this new Wattpad thing is really nice becuase once I went to create a new imagine it had showed me the first time that I had updated :) I was too hyped.

August 11, 2013 is the first time that I had updated :) 


Harry stared across the room at you, who was rearranging the dishes on the shelves. You two had just finished unpacking most of the stuff into his new apartment, and Harry was glad that you had offered to help. As you placed more things into the cabinet, he couldn’t help but admire your ass. 

“Harry, you won’t believe what happened to me last weekend?” You said excitedly. Harry looked up and blushed. “Me and this guy I really like went out somewhere.”

“Oh really,” Harry couldn’t help the excitement in his voice. Last weekend, the two of you had celebrated your move to the city. Harry had showed you every local hotspot in the area and took you on carriage rides across the whole town.

You nodded. his face lighting up with a huge smile. “Yeah, it was magnificent!”

Harry played with his fingers debating on whether or not now was the time to tell you how he truly felt. He wanted to admit that he was addicted to you and whenever you called, Harry would be there no matter what time it was.

“His name is Dylan,” You added after a moment of thoughtful silence.

Harry's face fell as he looked at you. Any thought of admitting his love had vanished almost as quickly as it came. “Oh, I’m happy for you.”

“You have to help me get his attention!” You cried out. “I think he’s my four letter word!”

“But your my four letter word,” Harry thought. He opened his mouth to confess, but when he saw your face, he forced a smile. “Yeah, I’ll help,” he said sadly.


Listen to the song on the side. My favorite at the moment :) I listen to alot of Tink

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