Blast Off

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This Imagine is dedicated to Youngme123. Go and read her stories and follow her please. Help her get more reads and votes. She's an amazing writer and I personally love her stories, I read them yesterday and they were great. So just do me a favor and read her story and vote. Thanks xoxo.


Your POV-

I hurried down the stairs of my apartment building, hoping that by taking the stairs I would avoid Harry. Everyday he tries to hit on me, and I’m sick of it. When I hit the bottom, I quickly rushed across the lobby towards the door. I was almost home free, when I heard him come up behind me.

“Hey baby,” He sang. I sighed heavily, turning around to face him. “I didn’t see you this morning. You weren’t avoiding me, were you?”

“Of course not,” I replied, forcing a smile to please him.

“Good,” He smiled. “So how about it? Let me show you a good time.”

“I’ll pass,” I frowned, rolling my eyes at his offer. I reached for the door, but he got in the way.

“Why not?” He asked, frowning at me. “A girl like you deserve to go out with a guy like me. I can lace you with the finest, unlike those other boys you've been dating.”

I almost choked at his offer. “You? Lace me with the finest,” I exclaimed, choking on my own laughter. “I’ve seen your apartment Harry. You’re my neighbor. You live in the same shitty place I do. How could you possibly afford to lace me with the finest.”

He fumbled with something in his pocket, then pulled out the biggest wad of cash I’ve ever seen. “Where did you get that?” I asked, my jaw dropping so wide I thought it would hit the floor.

“Nevermind that,” He muttered, shoving the money back in his pocket. “So tonight at 8?”

I nodded. “Okay,” I replied, almost hypnotized.

“Good,” he smirked. “And wear something sexy.” 

What in the hell just came over me.....

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