The Accident That Changed Everything

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*Personal Imagine for Hannah Reigns* 


Harry’s POV

I nervously paced the waiting room, hoping the doctor would come out at any moment with news on Hannah. Every time I would see a doctor, I would get my hopes up only to find out that they were going to someone else.

“You really should sit down,” My mother called to me, snapping me out to my trance. “You are upsetting Darcy.”

I glanced up for the first time realizing 3 year old daughter was crying. I picked up my daughter Darcy, careful not to wake up my sleeping son. “Is mommy going to be okay?” She asked, her little bracelet her mother had made her jingling in the breeze.

“Yeah,” I replied, struggling to hold back my tears. “Mommy is going to be okay.” It broke my heart to lie her, but the truth was I had not idea if she really was going to be okay. 

“Mr. Styles,” I heard someone call from behind me. I quickly handed Sofia back to my mother and turned to face the doctor.

“Can we speak in private?” He asked. I nodded my head and followed him down the hall.

He took a deep breath, and I could already tell this was not good news. “She just got out of surgery, but she’s suffered a lot of damage. She’s stable, but I’m afraid she will be in the ICU for a few more days,” He explained, pausing for a moment, but I could tell that there was more. “I’m sorry to tell you this, but due to the impact of the collision her temporal lobe has be severely damaged.”

“W-what exactly does that mean?” I asked, trying to keep my voice from quivering, but I couldn’t.

“Well, we aren’t sure exactly how much of her memory survived,” He added. “We think it is best to wait until she wakes up.”

“Can I at least see her?” I asked, still trying to wrap my head around this whole situation. He nodded showing me to her room. 

“I’ll leave you to alone,” He announced, then he was gone.

I gasped in horror, when I saw her. She looked so much different than I remembered her. We were laughing, and I looked away for two seconds. Now here she is connected to all these wires, that are somehow keeping her alive. 

I took a seat next to her, unsure of how to act. She just looked so fragile, I thought that at any moment she would shatter into a million pieces. I carefully took her hand hoping, that somehow that would help. 

“How could this have happened?” I whispered, letting my tears fall. 

Suddenly, I could have sworn I heard (Y/N) say something. “Baby?” I asked, leaning closer so that I could hear her better.

Her eyes fluttered open, and a look of fear washed over her. “Who are you?” She croaked. 

“Baby, It’s me,” I gasped. “Harry, your husband.”

A blank look passed over her face, and I could tell she didn’t remember me. I dropped her hand, backing away slowly.

“Doctor, Doctor,” I called, panic overcoming me. When he entered the room, I grabbed him by the coat.

“She doesn’t remember me,” I exclaimed, grasping his coat harder. “She doesn’t remember me.”

“What’s going on?” I heard (Y/N) ask in the background, but the nurses had already started to pull me out the room.

“Mr.Styles, I’m very sorry, but we are going to need you to calm down,” the doctor groaned, struggling to get out of my grasped.  

As soon as they pulled me out of the room, I broke down. “How could I let this happen,” I cried, punching the wall across from me. “I looked away for two seconds.” I collapsed on the floor sobbing.

I ran my fingers through my hair, unable to control my tears. I just sat there wondering how this could happen to us. I stood up gathering all the strength I could and made my way back to the waiting room. As soon as my mother saw my tear streaked face, she knew something was wrong. 

“I'm so sorry Harry,” She gasped, but I didn’t reply. I just sat down next to her not saying a word.

I pulled a sleeping Darcy into my arms, and let Edwards’s head rest on my lap. I brushed his soft curls back wonder how on earth I was going to tell my two children, that their mother didn’t remember them.

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