Be Who You Are

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*Personal Imagine for Hannah Reigns*


I licked my lips as I watched Hannah approach me. She looked fine as always. Heels on, hair did, and a dress that only she could pull off. She pulled me into a hug allowing my hands to trace her curves. 

“Hey Harry,” she cooed making me want to kiss her right now, but I didn’t. “I’m happy you came.”

“No problem,” was all I could reply. Her smile was mesmerizing. I could get lost in it. She smiled then turned and got lost in the crowd. I wanted to chase after her, but I didn’t. I watch as guys stared at her admiring her beauty as she passed by them. It’s funny how Hannah was oblivious to all the stares she was receiving. 

I watched her laughing with her friends wishing I was over there with them, but I wasn’t. I was in love with Hannah from afar never having the courage to tell her how I feel. I wanted to be where she is. Should I make a move? Or Should I let her do her? I watched as she turned down guy after guys wondering if she would do the same with me. 

I’m not like them though. I’m not an asshole who wears too much Axe who goes around fucking everything with legs. And no matter how hard I try I can’t fight the feeling. I want to be her man. I want to get to know her better. I swear it’s like she’s my dream girl. She’s perfection. I don’t want to ruin this fantasy with her rejection. In the end I want to leave with her love.

To my surprise she began walking over towards me. “Harry,” she exclaimed smiling at me. “What are you doing over here all alone? Dance with me.”

It was like the heavens opened up and granted my every wish. Hannah asking me to dance. I let go of my pride and let her whisk me away to the dance floor.

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