Loving The Crew

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LEO - The Lion (July 23 to August 22)

Great talker. Attractive and passionate. Laid back. Usually happy but when unhappy tend to be grouchy and childish. A Leo's problem becomes everyone's problem. Most Leos are very predictable and tend to be monotonous. Knows how to have fun. Is really good at almost anything. Great kisser. Very predictable. Outgoing. Down to earth. Addictive. Attractive. Loud. Loves being in long relationships. Talkative. Not one to mess with. Rare to find. Good when found. 


Your POV

I miss him. But of course, I don’t deserve him. Not after what I did. Not after how I played with his emotions. He probably hates me now, but then again… who wouldn’t? I cheated on him with his four best friends. I was a bad person… I didn’t deserve him, but I still wanted him, no, I needed him.

I drum my fingers on my leg as I watch him exit the building. I want to get up and run over to him like I would’ve used to, but I can’t. His eyes meet mine, and I quickly avert my gaze. I can see him adjust his glasses out of the corner of my eye before he walks down the street.

“Harry,” his name slips off of my tongue before I can catch myself. “Harry, wait!” I leap up off of the bench and begin to sprint across the street. Barely dodging a speeding cab, I make it safely to the other side nearly colliding with him.

“What do you want?” he asks folding his arms across his muscular chest. I open my mouth then close it unable to form a proper sentence. “I don’t have all day, (Y/N). What do you want?”

“You,” I say. He narrows his at me, and I swallow. “I’m sorry for what I did. I don’t know what I was thinking. I’m… I just want you back.” I look at him for a moment. “It’s just. I know that you’re the one for me, and everything I did it was stupid.”

He bites his lip as he looks at me, and I can see the anger swimming in his eyes. “I loved you. I thought that you were the one. I was ready to drop everything to spend my whole life with you. Meanwhile you were fucking my best friends behind my back.” He looks away from me. “I had to find out at a dinner in front of everyone.”

“Harry, baby, don’t play me like that,” I protest weakly. “I know I was wrong. Baby, you got to give me a second chance.”

“I gave you too many chances,” he says quietly. “Do you know how hurt I was to find out that my girlfriend was fucking everybody but me? Do you know how much it killed me to hear it in front of everyone at a fucking dinner party?” His voice gradually grows louder until he’s yelling at me. “(Y/N), you were acting like a little whore.”

Unable to say anything, I clench my hands into tight fists. I can see the pain in his eyes, and I want to reach out and fix it, but I know that he won’t let me. I had my time for that, and I blew it. Now, I had no right to do anything with him.

“I’m sorry,” I whisper as the tears begin to fall.

“I know,” he says bitterly. “But sorry just doesn’t cut it anymore.”

He pushes past me causing me to stumble into a street sign. Breathing heavily, I cling to the pole as he walks away. I watch his back as he disappears into the crowd of people, and I allow the tears to run freely down my face. My only love is walking away and there is nothing I could do. I ruined my only chance at happiness.


Awwww how sad :(  But you'll get over it :)

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