They Hate Me

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“YOU SUCK,” Harry yelled as he entered the house. He was running around with his arms waving around frantically excited about something. He was about to yell something else, but he notice you sitting there sobbing.

“What’s wrong,” he frowned lowering his arms to his sides. He sat down beside you noticing the laptop sitting in front of you. His eyes scanned the hateful words that were on the screen. Bitch. Hoe. Slut. Whore. Ugly. Fat. He looked at you sobbing and wrapped his arms around you.

You buried your face in his chest sobbing harder. “They hate me,” you said his shirt muffling your words. “Why do they hate me?”

“They don’t hate you,” he replied squeezing you tighter. “They just don’t know how wonderful you are.”

“Don’t lie to me Harry,” you sobbed looking up at you. “I know they hate me.”

He lifted your chin so that you were looking into his eyes. “You are the most beautiful, awesomest, special girl in the world and I’m lucky to have you as my girlfriend.” He leaned down kissing you sweetly, then turned to the computer. You watched Harry as he tweeted 'emergency Ustream'.

“What are you doing,” you asked as you watched Harry curiously as he typed in the Ustream website. 

“We are going to show them just how beautiful you are,” he grinned pressing enter to start the Ustream.

He pulled you onto his lap before he began speaking. “See this girl right here,” he began pointing at you. "You guys made her cry. I want you guys to know that I love (Y/N)! You can hate on her all you want, but that won’t change how special she is to me.”

He then pulled you into a kiss ignoring the various comments popping up on the screen, “I love you,” he whispered wiping the last of your tears away.

“I love you too, Harry.”

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