My All

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So last night I saw Fast and Furious 7 and I almost cried. Paul Walker was such an amazing actor and person. Although I didn't know him, he seem'd really nice and caring. He did alot of charity work and alot of people respected him. Most people only like him for his looks and skills, but I like him for his personality and the way that he gave back to the community. It was so tragic the way that he had died, he got burned really really bad to the point where they couldn't recognize him from his hair color or eye color. I couldn't stand to see him like that but I will continue to pray for his family.

R.I.P Paul Walker (GIF and video on the side)


Harry's POV

I felt like I was drowning, everyone surrounding me, looking at me. I could feel myself beginning to sweat and my heart rate rising. I tugged at my collar, which had suddenly begun to feel snug. I glanced back and the boys behind me, and the all gave me a reassuring not. 

"Everything is going to be alright," Liam mouthed. I took a deep breath to settle my nerves, then I saw her.

I watched (Y/N) as she walked down the aisle towards me. When I saw her, she took my breath away. She looked so beautiful and flawless in her silky white wedding dress. My knees felt weak, but somehow I kept standing. (Y/N) is my everything. I thank God everyday for bringing her to me. I'm the luckiest man on the planet.

Once (Y/N) was by my side her hand in mine, that drowning feeling I was feeling immediately passed over me. (Y/N)'s eyes met mine, and I knew I was doing the right thing in marrying her. She was the one for me. In her eyes I could see our future together. I could see us chasing after our little ones together, celebrating birthdays and anniversaries together, growing old together. 

"I love you," I whispered to her. And I meant it too. (Y/N) is my all.

"I love you, too," she replied, smiling giving my hand a reassuring squeeze. With her hand in my, we turned to face the pastor, and begin this new chapter of our lives together.

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