Can You Handle Me

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Yasssss, I am back. Hopefully I can get all of the people that read my other Imagines, to read these :) If you haven't already, go and read my other imagines. 200 parts :)


Harry’s POV

There she is. The girl that I’ve seen around here all week. She sees me. I watched as she strolled over towards me. Damn that girl is hot. “You’re Harry right,” she asked leaning closer to me gently tugging on my curls.

“And here I thought you wouldn’t remember,” I smirked wrapping my arm around her waist. She carefully slipped her fingers under mine pulling away from me.

“You know I got a boyfriend,” she sighed taking a step away from me, but I grabbed her hand stopping her.

“But we aren’t doing anything,” I whispered lacing her fingers in mine I could see I wasn’t convincing her. “Please, one dance,” I asked putting on my saddest puppy dog face.

She nodded letting me pull her to the center of the dance floor. She already knew the game I was playing and she didn’t hesitate to begin grinding on me. Her hips working in ways I had never even thought of. 

I watched as she dipped low letting her hands touch the floor while she was popping it for me. I love it when she does that. I placed my hands on her hips as she grinded into mine. *GIF*

“I wanna be bad tonight,” she whispered seductively in my ear.

“I thought you had a boyfriend,” I replied returning her lustful gaze.

“Awww Harry,” she smirked. “I thought you were bad enough to handle me.” 

“I am,” I responded planting a small trail of kisses down her next. Her moans urging me on. “But can you handle me?”

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