G Is For Girl

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So I was looking back at my 1st imagine book and I realized that Chapter 1 through chapter 21 really sucked. Like fr >_< Like, I don't know if you guys noticed it but it was really cheesy. But there's no going back (Dark Horse).  Btw, I just wanted to let you guys know that since Wattpad has a limit on chapters, I will be doing shout-outs again. I won't tell you when, but just know that it will be coming again :) 


Your POV-

I lay on the sofa, my legs stretched out on the worn out red leather as I pretended to watch another rerun of Law & Order SVU while my boyfriend, Harry, talked to his friends. For a moment, their voices dropped to low murmurs, and I heard the tell-tale sounds of a paper bag rustling. I already knew that Harry was out there talking to his friend Zayn about his latest drug deal, and I knew that I wasn’t supposed to be aware of their illegal activities.

After a few minutes, I hear Zayn exit the apartment, leaving me and Harry alone. I peer over the back of the sofa, smiling mischievously at my boyfriend. He smiles back at me, quickly making his way over.

“Sorry about that,” he says, moving my legs so that he can sit beside me.

I pull myself up to a sitting position and move closer so that I’m practically sitting on his lap. His right arm casually wraps itself around me, crushing me against his chest.

“Do you trust Zayn?” I asked, looking up at him. He raises an eyebrow at me before returning his attention to the TV. “I know you heard me!”

Harry smiles and looks back at me. “Yeah, I trust him. He was with me back when we were kids ”

“He seems cool,” I mutter. I take a moment to analyze my nails before firing off another question, “Aren’t you concerned since he’s cousins with someone working in a rival gang?”

“Nope,” Harry shrugs nonchalantly.

“Why not?” I ask. “I don’t know about you, but I'm not feening for some random boys busting up in this apartment because of your ass.”

Harry frowns a little, upset about my lack of faith in Zayn. “What do you know about that? Aren’t you from the nice side of town?”

“So what?” I ask, folding my arms across my chest. I raise an eyebrow, daring Harry to say something else, and he raises his hands up in surrender. “I got boys over here too. I'm not like those prissy girls you hung out with back in the day; and I know that if you aren’t careful all this shit you got, can fall apart.”

“I know that, baby girl,” he says. He smiled reassuringly at me, but I brush it off. “ and that’s one of the reasons I love you so damn much. You’re one of those girls that live by the motto, G is for girl like gangsta, and I respect that.”

He pauses, taking a moment to gently kiss my lips. I sigh in contentment, and he smiles.

“Just respect my decisions when it comes to the kinds of guys I hang with, Ok?”

I nod my head. “Whatever, Harry” I say. “Just don’t get mad when I’m right.”

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