Princess Of China

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So yesterday i posted along with my other two previous chapters real early in the morning and only a few people saw it. So If you already saw it yesterday, then read it again >_< Love ya <3


Your POV-


I glanced at myself in the mirror. A lot has happened in the past few weeks. “You look beautiful,” One of the servant girls smiled. I looked at her, then at myself again in the mirror. Changed, yes. Different, yes. But beautiful was far from the words I would have used to describe myself when I looked in the mirror.


I forced a smile. “Thank you,” I replied, politely nodding to her. “You may leave.”


As customary, she bowed then exited leaving me alone to my thoughts. My hair was perfectly in check and my gown was flawless, but yet why did I feel so wrong. Then I saw him out of the corner of my eye.


I sighed turning to face him. “Harry,” I frowned. He came out of the shadows, dressed in all black. I cut my eyes at him. “Come to wish me good luck on my wedding day?”


Now it was his turn to frown. “You know that’s not why I’m here.”


I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms across my chest. “No? Then why are you here, Harry?”


He took a deep breath taking my hand in his. “Just hear me out. I want us to run away together,” He announced, and I snatched my hand away from him. “I know you don’t want to marry him.”


Tears began forming in my eyes. “Harry, you can’t do this to me,” I exclaimed, pushing him away from me. “You had your chance. Remember back when I was that dorky girl. We were so in love. You had it all. You could have had the throne.”


He grabbed my shoulders, shaking me slightly. “I don’t care about the throne,” He yelled. His tone softened. “I just want you.”

“Harry, I just—” But he cut me off. He wrapped his arms around my waist, crashing his lips to mine. I found myself deepening the kiss, and it for a moment it felt nice. But even though I wanted to I just couldn’t.

I pulled away from him, leaving him standing there in confusion. “I don’t understand.”


I turned back to face the mirror, taking a deep breath, and closing my eyes. “I just can’t.”


I opened my eyes, glancing back in the mirror, and he was gone. Tear flooded my eyes, and I found myself crashing to floor sobbing. “You’re the Princess of China. You shouldn’t be crying.”

I wiped my tears, standing up tall. I ripped of my crown, rushing after Harry. I would always be the Princess of China, but I would never have another chance to be the Princess of Harry’s heart.

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