Miss You

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Your image danced around in his head teasing him. He couldn't forget about you despite how hard he tried. Everything he did seemed to bring you to the front of his mind. Any other girl he slept with, he just ended up comparing to you. Nobody satisfied him the way you did, and he was unable to get you out of his mind.

For months after the breakup, he slept alone with nothing but memories of you to keep him company. He longed to feel your lips against his, yet he knew that thinking about you was pointless. You were miles away with someone else and you were completely happy. Or at least, you happier than you were when you were with him.

He spent hours thinking about you and wondering if your heart was still his. After high school, you left him explaining your need for things bigger than a small town, Cheshire. You were his everything, his lover, and his friend. Without you he wasn't the same.

His mind was filled with thoughts of you and the moments you had together. He could feel himself going insane without you, but he knew that you were happier away from him and in Los Angeles. It was killing him to know that you no longer cared about him. Without you, he had no one to love him or care for him. Not even the boys could fill the gap that you left. Everywhere he went he was aware of your presence.

Harry could remember the countless hours the two of you spent counting the stars and talking about life. You would talk about wanting to get away and move to a big city. He couldn't understand all the hype about running off to California, but it was all that you could talk about, and now... you had finally gotten it. He could only hope that you were happy.

A tear rolled down his cheek. It had been too long, and he was missing you.

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