"I'm Done"

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Personal Imagine for Brooke_swearingen

Thanks for being so patient Brooke :)

*All personal Imagine request closed*

Brooke POV-

“I’m done with your fake ass!” you screamed throwing his clothes at him. “All you want to do is ignore me and act like I’m not good enough to be seen in public with you!”

“Damn, why are you even overreacting?” he yells as grabs his stuff. “You take every little thing so damn personally!”

“Well, I’m sorry that it hurts that you won’t even claim me as your girlfriend,” you retort. You fold your arms across your chest signaling how serious you were. “It hurts knowing that everybody thinks you’re dating that actress when you’re really with me.”

“I thought you said we should lay low for awhile!” He screams.

“I didn’t know that half a damn year was what you had in mind,” you throw his hat at him. “I’m done.”

He froze as he looked at you. “You’re done?”

“You heard me! I know I didn't stutter,” you throw open the front door. “Get out my damn house.”

“Fine,” he angrily looks at you. 

He slams the door behind you, and you watch in shock trying to register what happened. Did he really leave? Panicking, you throw open the door and sprint out into the rain. You ran into the street just in time to see his car turn the corner. Breathing heavily, you re-enter your house clumsily fumbling to close the door.

“Oh, God,” you whisper as you collapse on the sofa. You lift your head up to the ceiling unwilling to let tears fall. “Oh, God. Don’t let this happen to me right now.” A tear rolled down your cheek as your brain processed what happened.

He left.


It had been a week, yet you were still unable to cope with the pain. As you were laying in bed, still trying to cope with the heartache, you heard your phone ringng. You dragged yourself out of bed forcing your body to make it across your room to your phone. Sighing, you place the phone to your ear.

“Baby,” Harry’s voice calls out to you. “Baby, I miss you.”

“I know,” the tears well up in your eyes and you hastily wipe them away. “Our fight was stupid.”

“I know, babe,” he pauses. “I said some shit I didn’t mean.”

“Me too,” you whisper.

“Brooke, I love you, and I want us to work out. Just… tell me what to do, so I can fix it,” his voice cracks, and you can feel your chest constrict with pain.

“I just want you to say sorry,” you sniff.

“Listen, baby, that fight…it was ridiculous. We both walked away when we should’ve stayed,” he sighs. “I got so confused, and I’ve been thinking about you lately; I miss you. I’m so sorry Brooke; let me come home so I can make it up to you.”

“Don’t take too long getting here, OK?” you say playfully.

“I won’t, baby. I won’t.”

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