National Anthem

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Hey guys :) I have some very exciting news or w.e but I will be doing a Harry Styles Imagine Book Part 3 and Part 4 :) Part 3 will be Dirty Imagines and Part 4 will be about bad boy, possessive, and all that other stuff that ya'll like.....sooo yeah, be looking forward to that this summer. ENJOY!


You lay in bed watching Harry as he slides on his sunglasses. He turns to look at you, and a frown formed on his face. You shuffle backwards so that your back was pressed against the headboard as he crawls on the bed towards you. His lips gently kiss your neck, and you tilt your head to allow him better access. His fingers toy with you skillfully underneath the sheets causing you moan. When you begin to grind against his hand, he moves away.

"Get the fuck up, bitch," he says. He yanks the sheets off of you causing you to shiver. "We have to go somewhere today."

You get dressed quickly not wanting to upset him. When you finish getting ready, he leads you outside to the car. He holds the door open  for you nearly closing it on your fingers as you slide in. He drives recklessly, swerving around cars and going 50 over the speed limit. His hand rests on the back of your neck and the wind whips through your hair.

You pull in at a hotel , and when you walk into the lobby, several of his friends greet him and eye you like you're a prize they want, but when they notice his protective stance they back off. You only spend a few hours in the actual party before he drags you into a secluded hallway. His hands are wandering over your body while he roughly kisses your collar bone.

"Are you cool?" he whispers allowing his fingers to dip in your panties.

"Get real," you murmur.

He laughs before nibbling on your neck. His touch  feels as warm as summer, and I know that there's no love here. Money is our anthem, and as long we're together, we'll be each others national anthem.

National Anthem by Lana Del Rey

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