Can't Help But Wait

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Harry POV

“Thanks for listening to all my problems,” (Y/N) says quietly as she steps into the night air. “I didn’t mean to take up all of your night.”

“It’s fine,” I reply dismissing her apology. “You can talk to me anytime.”

She pauses for a moment as though she was going to say something, but instead of voicing her thoughts she shakes her head. *GIF*

I frown as she walks towards her car, and I watch her slide into the expensive vehicle. As she pulls out of my driveway, I slam my door shut releasing a loud sigh. Now, I had nothing left to do but wait for her to go back to him. I knew it was only a matter of time before she got home, threw her stuff down, and forgave her boyfriend for cheating on her.

He wasn’t right for playing her like that, but (Y/N) never tripped. Hell, she thought that every time he did something it was because she wasn’t good enough. It nearly broke my heart when she came by earlier with tears running down her face. I could comfort her and give her advice, but in the end nothing I do matters. It wasn’t like I was trying to get between her and her man, but she needed to understand that he wasn’t the right guy for her.

I wish that she could see herself for what she truly she is. She’s a star and she needs someone that will show her that. She doesn’t know that it ain’t fresh to just let him call all the shots. She’s a queen, and his broke ass most definitely don’t deserve her. She was the kind of girl who deserved all the latest clothes and accessories. She needs daily phone calls and dates instead of the occasional text saying “I love you.”

My cell phone buzzed, and I pulled it out my pocket answering the call. “Hello,” I say making my way into the kitchen.

“Hey,” her soft voice floats through my earpiece causing me to freeze.“It’s (Y/N).”

“I know,” I always recognize her voice.

“I think it’s gonna work about between me and him this time,” she whispers. My eyes slowly close, and I sigh quietly. I guess there was nothing left for me to do but wait.

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