I'm All Your's

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*Personal Imagine for Hannah Reigns*

Hannah POV

I giggled as Harry’s lips met with mine. His fingers gently held the back of my neck, securing my body to his. When his tongue gently ghosted along my bottom lip, I opened my mouth to allow him access, but much to my surprise his teeth latched on to my bottom lip, gently tugging it. I moaned, my fingers gripping the expensive leather of jacket even tighter when his lips wandered down to my neck. His teeth dragged along the skin before his lips gently kissed the area.

“You’re all mine, right?” he asked, running his tongue along my neck. “Nobody else’s.”

Pulling Harry closer, I nodded my head. “Yeah, baby,” I whispered, “I’m all yours.” Harry took off his shirt and we began kissing.

The sound of the bedroom door opening made Harry pull away from me, and I frowned at the lack of contact. Louis, and Niall sauntered in, both of them had pink eyes and goofy smiles. Louis winked at me, causing Harry to roll his eyes.

“What are you guys doing here?” he asked, leaning back. He paused to sniff the air before smiling. “And don’t drink all the fucking booze, mate.”

Niall passed Harry a half drink of beer. He glanced over at me, squinting. “What was you love birds doing in the dark?” Niall asked. He flicked on the light, hissing in surprise. “Oh, shit, Harry! Her father is gonna kill you, man!”

Louis glanced over, a smirk residing on his usually expressionless face. “Damn, Harry marked you up real good Hannah!”

“What are you talking about?” I asked, nervously shuffling closer to Harry His arm wrapped around my shoulders, but when he glanced down at me, he grinned.

“Oops,” his fingers ran along my neck. “I didn’t mean to. Fuck, you better put some makeup on.”

Immediately, I leapt out of my boyfriend’s arms and walked over to the small mirror he had on his dresser. My eyes widened with shock and horror as I looked at my neck.

“Aw man,” Niall pouted dramatically, snatching the beer from Harry’shand. “You marked her neck up.”

My fingers ran over one of the biggest hickeys. “My dad is gonna kill me!”

“ So is your mum!” Louis cried. “Damn, was he givin’ it to ya that good? Bet I could give you more than that! C’mere”

“Aye,” Harry punched Louis’s arm, “don’t be coming onto my girl. I marked her up for a reason.”

The boys started laughing, ignoring my distress. When Harry looked back over at me, his eyes softened. “Come here, kitten.” I obliged, curling up beside him. “I’m sorry, but in my defense, I had to do something to tell other boys that you’re mine.”

Rolling my eyes, I shoved his shoulder, “Whatever. Don’t get mad when my dad shoots you ‘cause you fucked up my neck.”

“It’ll be an honorable death,” Louis commented. “Gunned down because you made some nice ass love to your girl.”

You rolled your eyes and grabbed your makeup kit. "Thanks for making the situation better Lou" 

"Anytime Love" 

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