The One Time

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I officially hate the new Wattpad, I want the old one back :( _____________________________________________________________

Your POV

I hugged my legs, trying to control my sobs. I rested my back against the wall, hoping the warm water running down my shoulders would soothe me, but I was wrong. No matter how hard I tried I just couldn't get clean. I flinched away in pain, when my thighs brushed together.

'You stupid Bitch'Those words rang through my head. No matter how hard I tried I still shivered. I don't understand how things could start off so well end so badly. I met Harry at the club. He was cool, so I slipped him my number. We began talking and at first he seemed like the perfect gentleman. That was until that day...

I sat on Harry's lap with my legs draped across his lap. "And that's when she was like," I began, when I noticed Harry's hand creeping up my leg. I shrugged it off, and continued talking. "Anyway she was-," I began again, but I trailed off when I felt Harry's lips against my nape.

He slowly began leaving a trail of kisses down my neck, as his other hand made its way up my shirt. "Harry," I moaned. "We can't. I'm just not ready."

But Harry didn't stop. His hand continued its journey up my shirt, and his other made its way into my shorts. "Harry stop," I yelled, trying to escape his grip, but he just held onto me tighter.

He inserted a finger inside of me, and I screamed out in pain. "Harry stop," I yelled, tears pouring down my face. Harry reached down to undo his pants, and I finally freed myself from his grip. Before he could grab me again, I smacked him square across the face.

We both stared at each other in disbelief. It was like time had stopped, but then Harry got up, wiping the blood from his lip. He backhanded me, and I nearly toppled on the floor. I backed away holding my hands up in surrender.

"Please Harry," I sobbed, backing my way into a corner. "Don't do this."

"You're gonna pay," He spat, smirking evilly at me. "You stupid Bitch."


I let the water trickle down my body, and my hair pool at my shoulders. I had said 'Yes Harry you can have my number. Yes Harry I'll go out with you.' But the one time I said no... I learned the truth about Harry.

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