Theme Park Drama

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Before you read this chapter just know that there will be fighting and cursing in this. This is something that actually happened at my school today and I was like 'Hey, I should make an imagine about this'. Then BAM! Here it is :)


Harry’s POV-

“Why are you such a gump?” (Y/N) asked, linking her arms with mine.

“What are you talking about?” I said, raising an eyebrow up at her. 

“Why won’t you play me in that shooting game?” She asked, nodding at the game. “Oh because you are a gump. afraid you’ll get beat?”

“Nope,” I replied, laughing. “I don’t want you to get your feelings hurt, when I kick your ass.”

“Whatever,” she replied, shaking her head.

We continued walking through the amusement park, stopping when we saw something we wanted to do. “Let’s go over there,” (Y/N) said, pulling me towards the teacups ride. 

I smiled allowing myself to be pulled, until I saw her. I grabbed (Y/N) pulling her faster, earning me a skeptical look, but I just had to get away from Melonie. Melone was a girl I used to talk to before I met (Y/N). Let’s just say that didn’t end well, and that girl is no stranger to starting drama. 

“What’s gotten into you?” (Y/N) asked me, but I didn’t reply. She didn’t ask anymore questions, until we got off the ride.

“Harry are you okay?” She asked, concern filling her eyes.

I sighed, wrapping my arms around her waist. “Yeah baby,” I reassured her. “Just a little tired.” 

She shot me another look, but she didn’t press it. We were about to continue walking, but a voice stopped me.

“Well, well, well. what do we have here?”

I turned around slowly only to see Melonie, the devil herself, standing behind us with her hands on her hips.

“Melonie,” I frowned, suddenly regretting coming to the amusement park today.

“Who are you?” (Y/N) growled, crossing her arms across her chest.

“Who am I? Who the fuck are you hoe?” Melonie attacked, sucking her teeth at (Y/N). I could see (Y/N) growing angrier. “Really Harry. You replaced me with this trick. She not even cute.”

“Who the fuck you calling a trick?” (Y/N) said, placing her hands on her hips.

“You bitch.”

“Oh nah. I don’t go like that,” (Y/N) replied, handing me her earrings.

“You won’t though,” Melonie challenged, stepping up in (Y/N)’s face.

“Oh I won’t?,” (Y/N) replied, pushing Melonie away from her catching Melonie off guard. 

“Yeah you won’t,” Melonie smiled, pushing (Y/N) back. (Y/N) stumbled a little, but when she regained her balance she came back and punched Melonie square across the face. 

Melonie immediately hit the ground, but (Y/N) didn’t stop there. She grabbed Melonie’s hair and began punching her in the face.

“Stay. Away. From. My. Man,” She growled between punches. (Y/N) had so much fire in her eyes, I thought she was going to kill her. 

I wrapped my arms around (Y/N) pulling her off of Melonie. “Baby we have to go. She has had enough,” I said, pulling her toward the exit.

“That hoe disrespected me. I don’t go like that Harry,” she replied, brushing off her hands and straightening her clothes.

“I know baby,” I smiled. “I taught you better than that.”

“Mhmm, but I swear Harry, if I have to fight another bitc--”

“I know baby,” I replied, my smile never leaving my face. “I know.”


The GIF on the side is Loren from Bad Girls Club. My all-time favorite show ever :)

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