You vs. Them

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Harry’s POV-

You're going to be a father

Those words kept replaying over and over in my head, never really sounding quite real. (Y/N) were so excited, she was practically bouncing out of her skin. But I wasn’t so sure. I mean I love (Y/N) will all my heart, but lately I’ve been feeling torn. 

You vs. Them

That’s what it always comes down to. Do I choose you and the baby? I would settle down and take care of you, even though I know everyone hates us together. My parents hate that we are together; they hate (Y/N)'s past. They think she is no good for me, but I don’t judge her. The fans hate her too; They want me for themselves.

You vs. Them 

Or do I choose them? The fans. The people who have been there ever since the beginning, supporting me and caring for me. I love the fans with all my heart, but I love (Y/N) too. It always come down to her. 


If I chose (Y/N) alone, I lose. And if I chose them alone, I lose. I don’t wanna choose. Because deep down I know I would always choose her. My heart. My other half. The mother of my child. Because at the end of the day, when that day I stop making music comes, will the fans still be there?

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