Love Notes

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You woke up to the sound of your alarm clock ringing signalling the new day. You rolled over to cut it off when you noticed a note. Good Morning :), you read. You curiously got out of bed wondering who wrote the note. You didn’t remember anyone coming in your room last night, but you didn’t have time for wondering you were going to be late. 

You quickly went into the bathroom to shower. Once you got out the shower and got dressed you went to the mirror to put on your makeup on. You were about to put on your makeup when you notice another note. You look beautiful without it :), you read. You smiled at the note and decided today you would go without. 

You turned and headed down the stairs. You bypassed breakfast and headed for the door. When you reached it you noticed another note. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day :), you read again. Who was writing these notes, you thought. It’s like they were reading your mind. You didn’t know why, but you went back and grabbed a quick bagel and you were out the door.

Once inside your car you noticed another note on your steering wheel. See you at school :). You smiled at the idea of these little notes and started you engine. You grabbed a late pass from the office and rushed to grab your books from your locker. You. Me. 3:00 on the patio. You’ll know me when you see me. Don’t be late for class :), you read taped to the inside of your locker. As you made your way to class  you couldn't help but think about who exactly you were meeting.

At 3 o’clock you rushed out of your last class and made your way to the patio. As you scanned the faces of the sea of people, you couldn’t help but notice those brown curls. You smiled as you walked over to your best friend, Harry. *GIF*

“Hey Harry,” you said casually. You were still looking for the note writer. You notice Harry was wearing a leather jacket when it was the middle of spring. “Aren’t you hot?”

He grinned at you and unzipped the jacket to reveal his shirt. (Y/N) I love you, was written in huge black letters.

“What’s this,” you questioned looking from Harry’s shirt to him.

“(Y/N), I love you,” he started wrapping his arm around your waist. “From the moment I saw you I knew you were the one. From you smile, your  laugh, and your style. You truly are perfect. I love everything about you. Will you be my girlfriend?”

You were speechless. You had loved Harry ever since you were in grade school and for him to come out and say he loved you made you feel like you were on top of the world. You nodded your head as he rested his forehead against yours. You gently brought your lips to his kissing him passionately. His kiss sent fireworks through your body. The only thing that brought you back was the chorus of ‘ooos’ and ‘ahhhs’ from the courtyard around the two of you.

“What took you so long,” you grinned as Harry laced his fingers with yours. You rested your head on his shoulder as he walked you to your car.

“Shipping was slow,” he joked. You playfully nudged him rolling your eyes at his joke, when it dawned on you.

“Wait,” you said stopping abruptly in the middle of the street. “How did you get into my house?”

“I have my sources,” he smiled burying his hands in his pocket. You watched as he strolled away.

“No seriously Harry,” you called after him. “Really?”

You sighed and jogged after him. I guess it doesen't matter, you thought. As long as I’m with him.

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