Piece Of Your Heart

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Sooo this girl commented on one of my Imagines and said "U copied this from a Princeton Imagine". WHO THE HELL IS PRINCETON?!?!? Maybe she got me mixed up with somebody else because I made up these Imagines by myself (ok, well my friend gave me some ideas ^.^) Some Imagines might sound the same as others but that don't mean that i copied. Tf i need to copy for, I got two whole books full of imagines, hella votes, and hella comments. (Back to nice mode) Ok, well anyway, ENJOY!!!


You and Harry were in another one of your famous fights. This time over the way you lost the tickets to the movie. You couldn’t help your craziness. Sometimes your brain just spaces out and you forget things, or goes haywire. Harry’s yelling didn’t help at all. 

“You always have something smart to say,” you yell. You were trying to control your craziness, but it was getting the best of you. You felt like it was storming on the inside of you all the time and it drove you insane. You sat down rubbing your temples trying to focus your thoughts to keep you from doing or saying something you’ll regret.

“What do you want me to say (Y/N),” he retorts slamming his hand on the table next to you. The noise startled you causing you to almost jump out of your skin. “I’m tired of this (Y/N). Sometimes you just…” He pauses to look at you who was now shaking in your chair. You could feel the storm in your head getting louder until you couldn’t handle it anymore.

“I what Harry,” you snap looking up at him. “Go ahead say it. I’m crazy I know your thinking it.”  *GIF*

Harry sighs and sits next to you. Somehow your fights always seem to end like this. You yelling and somehow your mental status is thrown into the mix. “I don’t think you’re crazy,” he sighs rubbing the back of his neck. “It’s just I don’t know what you want me to say.”

“Stop trying to fix me Harry it’s not going to work. I want your heart not your mind Harry,” you cry letting the tears slip down your face. The storm in your head continuing to grow worse as the situation went on. “I just want you to love me and not say anything about my mental disorder. Sometimes I just need you to wrap your arms around me and hold me when things get really bad. I need your kindness to ease the pain.”

Harry looked into your eyes and he could see the pain. For the first time he realized how hard it must be for you to live with something like this. He wrapped his arms around you pulling you close as you rested your head in the crook of his neck. His gesture slowed the storm in your head down into a steady rain. 

“I’m sorry (Y/N),” he whispered stroking the back of your head. “I love you.” You sat there for a moment letting Harry whisper sweet nothings in your head gently quieting the storm until you could no longer hear it.

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