The Way You Make Me Feel

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Personal Imagine for xBritishBreakfastx :) She was the first person that I was supposed to give a personal imagine too and I kinda forgot and I feel really really bad now :( Okay, I'm back :) ENJOY SUCKAAAASSS!!!!!!!!!

Credit to Michael Jackson :)  May he Rest In Peace :)


Harry's POV-

I stood up at the front of auditorium nervously holding the microphone in my hands. Liam, Zayn, Louis, and Niall sat in the audience grinning from ear to ear as they watched. Everyone was looking at me as though I was about to give some great speech. It was no secret that I could sing, but nobody had ever heard me before, and now everyone was here to listen. My eyes scanned the crowd, and I felt my body relax when I saw her.

“I’d like to dedicate this song to Aidriana ,” I said. A couple of her friends nudged her excitedly while she blushed.

I shook my hands nervously then let the notes pour out. “Hey pretty baby with the high heels on; you give me fever like I’ve never ever known,” I began to sing. A couple of cheers rose up from  the crowd when they recognized the tune. “You’re just a product of loveliness.”

I kept singing throwing in the occasional dance move. I spun around in a circle before moonwalking across the stage. Every girl in the room went wild screaming and yelling while the guys merely nodded their head in approval.

“The way you make me feel,” I sang hitting the chorus. “You really turn me on; you knock me off my feet. My lonely days are gone.”

Every word I sang felt like it came straight from my heart. The lyrics took every feeling I had and brought them to life. When I finished, I felt like a heavy burden was removed from my chest. I grinned out at the audience as they cheered, and I quickly handed the microphone to the next act before jogging over to where Aidriana was sitting.

When I slid into the seat next to her, I noticed her upset expression. “What’s wrong with you?” she hissed. “Did you have to put me on the spot like that? What’s wrong with asking me out like a normal guy?”

“You didn’t like it,” I asked my smile slowly disappearing from my face.

“No,” she bites her lip. “I loved it.”

I grinned at her, and she rewarded me with a quick kiss. As I wrapped an arm around her, I gave a quick thumbs up to the boys. For once they were right about this. Singing to Aidriana was probably the second best thing I’ve done. Of course, the first thing was being able to kiss her.


Now we all know that Harry can't dance so just go with the flow. No need to highlight the sentence when he dances and add your extra comments. 

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