Trust and Believe

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Harry’s POV

I frowned as (Y/N) sauntered up to me. Her plump lips were coated with lipstick, and she smelled like liquor. I could just by looking at her that she had just been thoroughly fucked by some other random ass guy. When she tried to wrap her arms around my waist, I shoved her away.

“Where were you?” I asked.

“I was with my girls,” she attempted to smooth down her wild hair. “What the hell is up with you? I can’t have fun no more?” *GIF 

“Don’t fucking lie to me,” I yell. “You were with Bryan, weren’t you? Did he fuck you good? Was he better than me?”

Her eyes are filled with anger, but I’m beyond caring. “Yeah, he was a way better fuck than you! You can’t even compare to him!”

I stare at her already feeling the anger rising underneath my skin. She tries to walk away, but I yank her back watching as she stumbles. Her eyes are filled with fear, and I grab her chin so that she’s forced to look at me.

“Harry,” her eyes flit around the room as though she’s looking for an escape exit. “Harry, let me go!”

Not listening to her complaints, I rip the tiny dress off of her body. She wasn’t even wearing underwear… slut. When I began to unbuckle my belt, I could see the fear in her eyes. She struggled, but I’m too strong for her.

“Harry,” she whimpered pathetically.

I positioned by her entrance not even bothering to wear a condom. “You pushed me too far,” I murmured as I ran my fingers over her body. “You brought me to this.”

(Y/N) opened her mouth to protest, but I slammed her down onto my thingy-thing. Her eyes filled up with tears as I pounded into her. Her back was slamming into the wall and my hands were gripping her arms too tight. She struggled again, and I pinned her against the wall so that she couldn’t move.

“Harry, please,” she screamed. “Stop!”

“You think Bryan is better than me?” I ask. “He’s a three and I’m a ten!”

She cried louder, and I flipped her over so that her back is facing me instead. “Harry!” she’s screaming at the top of her lungs now. “Stop! Please just stop!”

My right hand wrapped around her neck. “Don’t make a sound,” I hissed. “You brought me to this.”

She immediately grew quiet allowing me to continue my fast pace. Her hands were placed against the wall, and I placed my hands over top of hers. I could her small cries but they only made it more pleasurable for me. I came quickly not bothering to pull out.

“Trust and believe that he’ll never be me,” I whispered harshly. When I took a step away from her, she collapsed onto my body. My hands gripped her shoulders tightly. “Is he a better fuck than I am?”

“N-No,” she murmured.

“That’s what I thought.” I took another step away from her watching as she slumped on the floor. Her small arms wrapped around her legs, and I snorted. “Take a shower too. You still smell like him.”


Awwweeeee shittttttt. Fseee this Imagine is something else, isn't it?!?!?! 



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