High For This

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Harry POV-

(Y/N) sits on the bed watching me as  I slowly approach. She doesn’t know what’s in store, but she knows what she came for. Nervously, she sends me a smile, and I hand her the tiny pill and a glass of water.

“Harry,” her voice shakes.

“Don’t be scared,” I place my own pill in my mouth and swallow. “I’m right here. I know this isn’t what you do… But you want to be high for this.”

She places the pill in her mouth before swallowing it with a large swig of water. Her eyes focus on me for a moment, and I lean forward so that our lips are millimeters apart. Her breath warms my skin causing me to smile.

“Why do I want to be high?” (Y/N) asks.

“Because,” I reply. “When you’re on ecstasy, everything feels even more amazing.”

I drag my finger along her collarbone to prove my point. Her skin made my fingertips buzz with electricity. Sweat begins to form along her forehead, and I smile.

“You can take your clothes off,” I mutter. “Ecstasy tends to make you feel… hotter.”

She smirks, and I watch as her dress slides off of her body. Unable to control myself, I kiss her enjoying the way her lips cause mine to tingle. She slides my shirt off of me causing goosebumps to form on my skin. I kiss my way down to her neck enjoying the way her breath was hitching.

"Harry,” she moans my name.

“Just breathe, baby,” I whisper. “I’m right here. It’ll feel good.” My hands grip her waist. “I promise it’ll feel good.”

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