Another You

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Harry’s POV

I watch (Y/N) as she rolls the cigarette in-between her fingers. *GIF* Her dark purple lipstick left a stain on the edge of the cigarette. My eyes followed the joint as it traveled up to her lips, mesmerized by her peaceful expression. She looks at me, lustfully, and I grab the cigarette from her before taking a drag.

“You smoke often?” I ask. I already know her answer.

“Only when I’m stressed,” she mutters.

I nod my head, leaning back on the plush sofa. I drop the cigarette onto the ashtray, and open my arms. (Y/N) obediently slides on my lap, sitting so that her legs straddle my waist. My hands lay perfectly on her waist while my eyes stare at her thick lips. She gently kisses me her lips moving in sync with mine. I slide the zipper on her dress down revealing her Victoria Secret underwear.

Her skin presses up against mine, and I groan in pleasure. Her hands already were undoing my belt, and I removed her bra. Her hips ground into mine causing me to toss my head back.

“You like it, baby?” she whispered. Her voice sent tingles down my spine, and I kissed her unable to contain my excitement.

I tossed her onto her back eagerly removing her panties. She watched me as I slowly entered her intent on getting straight to the good stuff. My fingers gripped her waist as I thrusted. The feelings of ecstasy rolled up and down my body causing me to moan.

As I look down at her, staring in amazement at the way her lips formed my name, I was aware of two things.

1.) I was a strong believer in the phrase “Never say never”


2.) I was positive that there will never be another woman that could please me like (Y/N)

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