Simply Amazing

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Harry’s POV-

I smiled slowly taking in this moment. I had my girl, (Y/N), lying on my chest as we watched the beautiful sun rise. She smiled as I slowly traced her exposed stomach under the sheets. I know I don’t deserve her, but she’s perfect for me. Her smile. The way she doesn’t laugh in place when you get her laughing hard enough. These were the things I loved about (Y/N). 

“Babe, what are you thinking about,” she asked gently tracing the edge of my jawline. 

“I love you. You know that right,” I smiled brushing her hair away from her face.

“Of course I know that silly,” she grinned climbing out of bed. I loved her smile the way it made her whole face light up in an instant. *GIF* “I call the bathroom first.” I watched her as she skipped off toward the bathroom. I followed her and watched her from the doorway. I loved how she hummed my songs, when she thought I wasn’t listening.

“Do you mind. I gotta shower,” she said raising her eyebrow at me. “What’s with you today?” 

“I don’t know what it is,” I started walking over towards her. “You’re just simply amazing.”

I pulled her close and rested my forehead against hers. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I picked her up and gently leaned her up against the bathroom sink. I slowly planted small kisses along her neck. “You’re gonna make me late for work,” she moan brushing her fingers along my abs. 

“It’s okay,” I replied pulling her closer to me. “You’re calling in sick.”

*Few moments later*

I gently leaned her on the sink as she gently ran her fingers along my abs. I carefully helped her remove her t-shirt kissing along her collarbone. I smiled when I heard her begin to moan out my name. I slowly slid one finger into her causing her to moan out in ecstasy. Her moans echoing throughout the bathroom. 

When I she was satisfied, I inserted myself in, grinding real slow into her hips. She pulled me closer encouraging me to speed up my tempo. Her face told me that the sink wasn’t the best place for this, so I quickly relocated us to the floor. 

Ding dong.

I heard the bell ring, but I ignored it. Whoever it was they would have to come back. I quickly turned (Y/N) over so she was on all fours. I began swiftly pounding into (Y/N) causing her to moan out in ecstasy. In the distance, I could faintly hear the ringing of the doorbell and it was starting to piss me off.

Ding Dong. Ding Dong.

"Harry I’m cumming,” she screamed, but I couldn’t go on. That damn ringing was getting on my nerves. I pulled out of (Y/N) and briskly wrapped a towel around me. I stomped to the front door and angrily threw it open. 

The look of horror on my neighbors face caused me to loosen up a little bit. “Can you please keep the noise down,” the sweet old lady addressed. I didn’t know how to reply. I felt so bad she had always been so nice to us. 

“Harry. What’s taking you so long,” (Y/N) called in the distance. I knew if she didn’t come soon she would come out to get me. 

“Sorry,” was all I could say before I closed the door and returned to (Y/N) who had turned on the shower.

“How about we finish this in the shower,” she grinned before pulling me into the shower after her.

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