Wait For You

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Harry’s POV

Everything was going according to the plan. Dinner was perfect. But now for the grand finale. I took (Y/N)’s hand, as we climbed the staircase. “Where are you taking me Harry?” She giggled, as we stumbled blindly up the stairs.

“You’ll see,” I smiled.

I threw open the door to the roof to reveal the best view of the LA skyline. “It’s beautiful, Harry,” (Y/N) gasped, making her way over to the edge. She looked so beautiful, the way the wind blew her hair, and the city lights made her eyes sparkle. I followed her over to the edge.

“This is amazing,” She smiled, turning to me. *GIF*

“I know you are,” I said, causing her to blush. Then, I carefully lowered myself down so that I was on one knee, grinning harder, when I saw the look on her face as I pulled out the ring.

“Oh wow,” She gasped, tears filling her eyes, and for a split second I saw her frown. “I don’t know what to say.”

“Say yes,” I laughed, nervously shifting my weight.

“I guess this would be a bad time to tell you I got the job,” She frowned. “We start filming next week.”

I stood up, a confused expression crossing my face. “Why is that bad? This is great,’ I exclaimed, taking her hands in mine. “It’s been your dream to be an actress, and now you finally get to do it.”

“In Tokyo for 6 months,” she added, and my throat went dry.

I had never been away from (Y/N) for that long. Not to mention, she would be acting alongside and kissing other guys. It’s not that I didn’t trust her…I just don’t trust them other guys. I mean (Y/N) is bad.

“What do you think?” (Y/N) asked, snapping me out of my daze. “I don’t have to take it-”

“No,” I snapped, cutting her off. “You have to take it’s your dream.”

I took the ring out and slid it on her finger. “I promise I’ll wait for you. I’ll love you and miss you until you get back,” I said, forcing a smile on my face. I knew the long distance thing would be hard, but I just couldn’t stand between (Y/N) and her dream.

(Y/N) smiled, draping her arms around my neck. “I love you Harry,” She smiled, bringing her lips to mine. “6 months will be over before you know it.”

“I hope so,” I replied

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