Surpr- O.O

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Your POV-

“Is my hair okay?” I asked, smoothing down the top off blouse.

“You know I can’t see you right? We are on the phone,” my best friend replied, and I could hear her sigh heavily on the other end.

“Oh right,” I replied, grabbing my phone from it’s place on the bed. “I forgot. I’m just so nervous. I haven’t seen Harry in three months.”

“He’s your fiance,” she reminded me, reassuring my nerves. “He loves you. That’s why he’s marrying you.”

“You’re right,” I agreed, smiling confidently at myself in the mirror.

“Refresh my memory. How did you get his room key again?”

“Well, I’m staying at the same hotel, so I just told them that I was his wife, and I was going to surprise him,” I proudly responded. We chatted for awhile longer, but then I told her I had to go. It was time to see my man.

3030. 3035. 3037. This it it. I stood in front of the door, smiling to myself. He was going to be so excited to see me. I took a deep breath, then let myself in. I didn’t have time to admire the large suit. I was on a mission. I headed to the back where the bedroom was located.

“Supri—,”I sang, turning the knob and entering the room, stopping when I realized what was going on. I gasped in horror, my knees nearly giving out from under me. There was my fiance fucking the person I hate the most. *GIF* 

“(Y/N),” Harry said, scrambling to get his pants. “It’s not what it looks like—”

But I didn’t stick around to hear the rest of his lies. I found myself running out the room. I sprinted down the hallway, ignoring Harry’s calls behind me. I had gotten all the way to the elevator before Harry caught up to me.

“It’s not what it looks like,” He panted, still trying to catching his breath.

“Oh it’s not,”I repeated, anger rising in me. “Then what is it? Because to me it sure looked like you were fucking her! How long has this been going on behind my back? You know what don’t tell me. I don’t wanna know.”

When he looked away in shame, that’s all I needed. I slipped the engagement ring Harry had given me, the one I hadn’t taken off since, off my finger, and threw it at him.

“I’m through Harry,” I announced, then I got on the elevator.

“I’m sorry,” was the last thing I heard Harry say, before the elevator doors shut

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