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“Where are you going,” Harry questioned you as you headed out the door.

“A Party,” you scoffed rolling your eyes at him.

“Not looking like that,” he replied grabbing your arm. “Go change!”

“No Harry,” you retorted pulling away from him. “Just leave me alone.” You began smoothing down your tube skirt that Harry had put wrinkles in.

“You’re my sister I can’t let you go around looking like a hoe,” he sighed hoping to reach you if he didn’t yell.

“Exactly,” you exclaimed throwing your arms up in the air. “I’m your sister. You’re not my father Harry. So stop acting like it.” You were so upset you had begun pacing in front of Harry something you only did when you were truly upset. “But I have to be the man in the house ever since dad died,” he replied. He looked away from you trying to hide his tears, but you saw. You knew your father’s death had been hard on everyone, but you didn’t know how hard it affected Harry.

You walked over and wrapped your arms around him. “It’s okay Harry,” you whispered stroking his back to soothe him. “No one asked you to take his place. I just want you to be my brother.”

You just held him like that for awhile until he stopped crying. “Thanks,” he sighed wiping the last of his tears. You smiled and turned to head out the door, but Harry stopped you.

“You still can’t go to that party,” he grinned stepping in front of the door. You rolled your eyes and headed back up the stairs.

“I hate you,” you grumbled slamming the door to your room.

“I love you too,” he called back smiling.

Harry Styles Imagines (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now