Middle School

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*Personal Imagine for MrsCalvionBieber* 


Harry’s POV-

I was in the middle of listening to my teacher drone on about something math related. I glanced down my row, to find Calvion heavily immersed in her latest doodle, which I knew she would be showing me later. She always did after every math class. 

I closed my eyes picturing her the way her fingers would brush up against mine, when she slid me the drawing. If I thought hard enough, I could even feel the chills that would accompany her touch. 

My thoughts of Calvion were rudely awoken, by someone tapping my shoulder. It was Liam. “Mate, when are you going to do it?” he whispered, making sure to keep his voice low enough so that our teacher didn’t hear.

“Soon?” I replied. I tried to hide my nervousness, but Liam saw.

“I don’t understand what is taking you so long. Don’t be such a baby,” he hissed. “Just do it.”

I sighed, rolling my eyes at him. I threw open my notebook, and carefully tore out a sheet of paper, making sure not to disturb the class.

“Do you like me yes, no, maybe? Please check one. Harry” I scribbled down, then folded in a small square. I then wrote “Calvion” on the front. While the teacher’s back was turned, I cautiously slid the paper to Niall. 

“To Calvion,” I whispered. 

“Ooo! Go head Harry!” He congratulated, then sent the paper down the row. 

I watched nervously as the note was passed from person to person, until it landed on Calvion’s desk. She didn’t notice it at first, until Kennedy, her best friend nudged her and pointed it out. 

As Calvion skillfully unwrapped the paper, I could feel my stomach turning. She glanced over the words, and checked off one of the boxes. When she was done, she sent the note back down the row and continued her drawing. 

As the paper made it’s way back to me, a million thoughts ran through my head. What did she check? Was her not looking up at me a sign? How come she didn’t smile? Is that a sign? I was so wrapped up in my thoughts, I didn’t even notice the note had landed back on my desk.

I took a deep breath, drawing all the courage I could, then opened the note. A grin spread across my face, when I saw she had checked the ‘yes’ box. I let out a sigh of relief.

“Will you be my girlfriend?” I wrote down, then passed the note back down the row.

When she got it, she opened it and immediately began grinning extra hard. She leaned forward and nodded her head smiling. “Of course,” she mouthed, grinning.

My heart began to flutter. I had finally gotten up the courage to ask Calvion out. I slouched back into my chair, smiling from job well done. 

“Yes!” I thought, but I guess I must have said it out loud because next thing I know the teacher was calling my name.

“Mr. Styles, Would you like to share something with the class?” She asked, tilting her tiny glasses down at me.

“No ma’am,” I replied, ignoring the class’s laughter.

“Well then, If you’re done I will continue with my lesson,” she said, but by then she had lost me. Thoughts of Calvion and I had already begun to fill my head.

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