Walmart Halloween

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You strut down the aisle in Walmart in your bunny costume occasionally stumbling as your heel catches on the decorations that have fallen on the floor. You shiver a little realizing that it was probably a bad idea to wear a costume that leaves your arms and legs exposed. Trying you warm yourself up, you rub your arms.

“Hey (Y/N),” Harry nearly tackles you when he sees you. “God, I’m so happy today.” He giggles loudly, and you roll your eyes. “I’m so drunk, (Y/N).”

As you watch him stumble away from you and down the aisle, you begin to giggle too. “Harry!” you call trying to run after him. “Harry slow down!”

“You have to catch me,” he yells running to another aisle.

You stop for a second and take off your heels. If he was going to start a game of tag in the middle of Walmart on Halloween, who were you to ruin the fun? As you hold your heels in one hand, you begin to run after him.

When you start to turn into the next aisle, your stockings slide causing you to fall face down on the ground. Looking up, you see Harry covering his mouth as he tries not to bust out laughing.

“Holy shit, babe,” he yells. “You just fell on your face!” he pauses for a moment before jogging over to you. “Are you OK?”

“I’m fine,” you mumble struggling to get to your feet. “I just hit my head.”

“I can tell; you have a bruise the size of your mama’s big toe right in the middle of your forehead!” Harry yells. “It’s a good thing you’re pretty or else that’d be a real turn off.”

You lean over and grab a bouncy ball off the shelf before hurling it at his face. He yelps in surprise, and taking advantage of the situation, you sprint down the aisle. You can hear Harry chasing you, but because he’s so drunk, he’s unable to run in a straight line giving you extra time to get away. You sprint down the juice aisle knocking over an old lady.

“(Y/N), I’m gonna get you,” Harry yells. He follows you down the juice aisle and into the Nerf gun section.

“You’ll have to fight me!” you cry.

You snatch a plastic sword off of the rack and began swinging it at Harry. You swing again, but Harry grabs his own sword and blocks your hit. Suddenly, the two of you are going all out sword fighting in Walmart. You guys are even adding sound effects and are occasionally throwing things at each other.

Harry hits your sword so hard that it flies across the aisle, and you frown. You try to run over and grab it, but his arms wrap around your waist, and he pulls you into his chest.

“I win,” he says triumphantly. “Now, I must receive a kiss from my beautiful princess.”

You blush as he gently cradles your face in his hands. His lips gently plant kisses all over your face before he reaches your mouth. When he pulls away, he’s smiling so hard that you swear you can see all of his teeth.

“C’mon,” you say. “We should probably head home before they kick us out of Walmart.”

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