1D annual Movie Night

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You sat on the couch next to Harry. It was 1D’s annual movie night, and Harry had invited you. You glanced at him out of the corner of your eye, blushing when he caught you staring. 

“I’m glad you came,” Harry smiled, revealing that smile you love so much. 

Harry’s hand brushed against your leg, sending shivers running through your body. As the movie began playing, you became more and more relaxed. You smiled, as Harry casually slipped his arm around your shoulders. You relaxed into his touch, resting your head on his shoulder.

“This is my part,” you could hear Louis yell obnoxiously, but you ignored him. Harry’s touch was all you needed. 

He gently traced small circles on your side making you giggle. “Your laugh is so beautiful,” he smiled, causing you to blush.

You brushed a piece of loose hair behind your ear in embarrassment, *GIF* but Harry tilts you head so that you are looking him in the eyes.

“Let me see those beautiful eyes,” he whispered, causing you to look away in embarrassment. 

He took your face in between his hands, bringing your lips to his. His kiss took your breath away. You could feel your heart beating faster. When he pulled away you couldn’t stop smiling.

“Wow,” you whispered, unable to believe you just got the kiss of your dreams.

“I just couldn’t help myself.”

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