You Love Me?

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*Personal Imagine for Hazzicupcake*


Jade's POV-

You were getting something out of your locker, when a pair of strong hands covered your eyes. You knew it could only be one person, Harry your boyfriend. He was always surprising you with something new. “Harry I have to go to class,” you sighed know you couldn’t be late to another class or else you would get detention.

“Shh Jade,” he cooed replacing his hands with a blindfold over your eyes. He silently guides you through the hallway. You had know idea where you were going. You went up steps, down steps, through doorways. You almost wonder if Harry was lost.

“Harry where are we going,” you asked but instead of answering he took of your blindfold. You gasped when you saw what was in front of you. Harry had set up a candlelit picnic just for the two of you on the roof of your school.

“What’s all this for,” you gasped still taking in the beautiful sight before you.

“I just wanted to show you how much I love you Jade,” Harry replied. You were so caught up in the beauty of the picnic, you hadn’t really heard what he was saying, then it clicked.

“What you love me,” you replied confused. You had never heard him say it before it came as a shock.

“With all my heart,” he confidently replied pulling you into a kiss. 

“I love you too Harry,” you whispered pulling away from him. The moment was perfect. You were wrapped in Harry’s arms, candles all around you, and the view of the city. You wanted to stay like this forever, and in that moment you felt for the first time truly and utterly happy.

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