Your Only 15

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SHOUT-OUTS!!!!!!!! These shout-outs as always are for people who blew up my notifications and showed me the most love. If your not in here and you did show me some love, then sorry because I wasn't able to get everybodys name. Here are the people: 

Maggy 1944, Sydtaco, KittyKat1013, JJ_4_eva, Dirtyhemmings

Tori_Awesome2611, _Dana4, Bieber1994, Sty__daniela, Jgstyles

Dumpling_sohini, Genn_xo, Harrysgems, StrawberryBreyy

LukesHo, Akkisomerhalder, Harrys_BabyGirl_01, Andra_alexandra,

Gucci_Louis, Zairra_rhodes_, Lost-Wolf, Brookdixon, BrooklynGriffin, Arlin97

HazzaLover211994, Lovelyemmuh, xBritishBreakfastx, Omlet_Rox, Allesandra_1D 

Julie_Daugaard_J, Hazzas_cupcakeKitten, Themunckiespinkk, HiHelloBye15

Samiistyles6464, Sammy_E_Styles, Kaydee_Styles10, JaeBae15_

Once again, thank you all!!!!!!!!!!!! 


Harry’s POV-

I made my way to (Y/N)’s door a bouquet of white daisies, (Y/N)’s favorite, in my hand. I rang the doorbell, running my hand over my hair one last time. (Y/N)’s older sister opened the door, a look of disappointment crossing her face.

“Oh it’s just you,” She muttered, eyeing me distastefully.

“Is (Y/N) home?” I asked, trying my best to avoid her scornful gaze. 

“Yeah,” she replied. “She’s in her room.”

I thanked her, then made my way down the familiar path to (Y/N) room. I reached for the doorknob, but (Y/N)’s voice stopped me.

“No, I haven’t told him yet,” she was telling someone over the phone. “I know. I know, but I don’t know how he would take it.”

Take what? I wondered, listening even more intently. “What do you want me to say? ‘Oh and by the way I’m fifteen.’ How would that look?”

“You’re fifteen?” I asked, bursting into her room.

(Y/N)’s eyes widened in fear. “Harry you’re here early,” she gasped, quickly hanging up the phone.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were fifteen?” I exclaimed, throwing the flowers down on the floor. “Do you know how this makes me look?” 

“I’m sorry Harry,” She sobbed, trying to wipe her tears away. “I was going to tell you.”

I could see the tears forming in her eyes, but my rage got the best of me. “What will the fans think, when they find out about this? I’m twenty years old. We’ve had sex! This shit is illegal. Oh my God! I’m going to jail.”

I took a deep breath calming myself down, when I realized how hard she was crying. I crossed the room wrapping my arm around her, letting her bury her head against my chest. “I just wish you would have told me sooner,” I sighed, holding her close.

“Would you have still gone out with me in the first place,” She sniffled, looking up at me.

“Hell no,” I replied, not even realizing how cold that must have sounded. 

“Exactly,” she cried, sobbing harder. For a moment I just held her and let her cry in my arms. 

“Are you going to break up with me?” She asked, breaking the silence.

“Of course not,” I immediately responded, appalled that she would even say that. “Why would you think that?”

“I’m just so much younger than you,” she mumbled.

“I don’t care. I love you (Y/N),” I replied. “We’ll find some way to make this work. Age ain’t nothing but a number.”

“I love you too,” She replied, and for the rest of the day we stayed like that with her in my arms.

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