Always Be My Baby

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WARNING!! Very short Imagine :) 

Listen to the song on this side. Also by Tink

Insta: Kayy.Dixon

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Your POV

I watched from the window as Harry drove off. I wasn’t going after him not this time. I wasn’t going to beg him to stay. If he didn’t want to, then he could leave. I was setting him free. I wandered down the hallway letting my fingers trace the edges of our many photos together. 

I paused at the newest picture. It was of Harry and I on the beach from our anniversary. That was back when we were one, back when it seemed like we would be together forever. I should be sad over this, but I’m not because I know deep down in my heart that our love will never die.

Maybe I’m wrong and he doesn’t come back, but I don’t want to think about that. All I know is that he will always be a part of me and I will always be apart of him. He will always be my baby. And as time goes on our love will still go on strong because it’s hard to erase something this powerful.  

I’m not going to cry over him because deep down I know he will come back. When he realizes that life without me is a little bit colder, he’ll be back. It’s only a matter of time.

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