I Got This

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I'm not trying to be mean but some of ya'll are Ghost Readers because ya'll don't never comment and ya'll barely vote, like fr. Just please comment and vote :)


Your POV

I fluffed the pillow behind Harry’s head, smiling as he settled himself down. He looked up at me, uneasily, but I merely patted his cheek.

“Are you sure?” Harry asked, picking a loose string on his sweatshirt. “I don’t feel right letting you do all this stuff for me; c’mon, at least let me make you something to eat.”

I waved my husband’s worries away, not bothering to listen to him. He pouted, but settled back on the bed just in time to see Darcy and Edward walk in the room holding a large tray of food.

“Daddy!” Darcy, our four year old, launched herself into her dad’s arms while Edward., our seven year old, walked over to me with his stuffed animal balanced on his head. “Look what Ed and I made you!”

Harry grinned at his children, eagerly taking the tray of breakfast from his son. He looked down at the food, his smile momentarily faltering.

“Do you like it, daddy?” Edward asked, settling himself in my lap. “We made you Frosted Flakes, yogurt, and lots of bananas!”

“I love it,” Harry said, spooning some Frosted Flakes in his mouth.

“We’re taking you to the movies!” Darcy said, curling up beside her father. “Mommy says that we’re gonna go see the new Muppets movie!”

“Do I get to sit next to you?” Harry asked, eating more of the cereal.

“NO!” Edward yelled. “I sit next to you.”

“Nuh uh!” Darcy whined.

“You can both sit next to daddy!” I said, trying to end the fight before the two of them began to throw tantrums. “That way we’re all happy!”

Our kids looked at each other as they thought over the proposition. Suddenly, Darcy broke out in a grin, forgetting about the fight over who could sit next to Harry. Harry, who was glad that the argument was over, smiled thankfully at me.

“What are we doing after the movie?” He asked, changing the subject.

“Well, the little ones are going over my mom’s house, so we’ll have some alone time together.” I said, winking.

“I like the sound of that"

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