Moment In Time

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Okay so the new Wattpad is cool and all but It's so confusing. Like when you go to write a new part to a story, it takes forever to get to that page. Then when I put a GIF on my imagine, it doesn't go on there and then I have to turn around and paste it on my imagine again for it to work. Then one thing is telling me that I have 179 parts but another thing is telling me that I have 183 parts to this story. So ion know what to believe >_< I kinda miss the old Wattpad.


Harry's POV

I smiled to myself, when I felt something warm on my cheek. I rolled over to find one of my dogs licking me. I sighed. Lately, I've been missing her even more. It seems like everything around me reminds me of her. It's like she's everywhere: in the air, in the clouds, and even in the trees.

I get out of bed and head to the bathroom with my dog trailing behind me. I splash my face with some water, hoping that will help get her out my head. I glance at myself in the mirror, and I swear it's like I can feel her wrapping her arms embracing around me.

"Morning baby," She would say, her breath tickling my ear. Her voice would sound like music to my ears. She would smile, and it would light up my whole world.

I turned around, and if I pictured hard enough I could imagine the way my tee shirt would drape over my body, highlighting all her curves. But when I blinked again, she wasn't there. I knew she wouldn't be, but desperately I wanted to her to be. I haven't seen her in weeks.

I sighed, turning on the shower. If I could go back to any moment in time, I would go back to a time when everything was perfect. When I used to be able to just hold her in my arms. Before everything got so complicated. I wish I could kiss her, then make love to her rather than sit here missing her. I would make that moment last forever. But it's too late, and she has already walked out of that door. But no matter how hard I try I'm still stuck missing her.

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