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Personal Imagine for JaeBae15_


Your POV

"I'm sorry I just can't do this anymore," Harry announced, snapping me out of my daze. It felt like he had taken the life out of me with those 8 simple words.

I stared at my boyfriend of 7 months in shock, and suddenly he seemed like a stranger.

He shook his head, turning to leave, but I stopped him. "But what did I do wrong?" I asked, tears filling my eyes. He stopped abruptly, when he heard my voice crack.

"Nothing," he replied sadly. Hearing him say that made my tears begin to fall.

"The magic is gone."

"But I did everything right," I snapped, my tears falling harder. "I let you in. I called you, texted you. I even let you hit it every other night, but for what? I can't stand this. You ruined everything!"

"I ruin everything? Come on Jae don't act like we don't fight all the time," He replied, then he turned away from me, and I felt my knees give out from beneath me. "The seasons have changed. I'm sorry it has to be this way."

"Don't do this, Harry. We were planning on getting married, Harry. We were in love," I cried, grabbing onto the sleeve of his jacket. "I put a lot of energy in this relationship only for you to take it away. Are you really going to do that to me? Are you? I know we argue, but we can get through this."

"It was fun while it lasted, but our summer has come to an end," He sighed, shaking his head. He smiled solemnly, then he left. I sat on the ground sobbing.

It's funny, I never thought my summer would end like this.

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