Photo Whore

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“Here babe,” Harry exclaimed, handing you over his phone. “Here take my picture.”

You watched in amusement as Harry positioned himself by a very hipster looking brickwall. “Are you ready?” you asked, quickly snapping a few off guard photos of him.

“No,” he replied, shoving his hands in his pockets and preparing his serious yet sexy face. You were about to snap the picture, but Harry moved again. 

“Wait, Pause,” He interrupted, changing positions again. “Get my good side.”

You rolled your eyes at him, taking another set of pictures. “Did you get it?” He asked, eagerly reaching for the phone. He immediately began scrolling through the pictures. You began laughing, when his expression changed.

“Wait! What are these?” He asked, giving you an accusing look. “I look terrible. I’m not paying attention in any of these, accept for that one.”

“I think you look cute, when you aren’t paying attention,” you smirked, shrugging your shoulders. You flipped through the photos until you landed on one where Harry had his back to you.

“Especially that one,” You smiled, admiring the photo. “I mean…Ugh. Just look at that ass.”

As soon as the word fell from your mouth, you immediately began laughing, earning you a glare from Harry. “What?”  you asked, still giggling. “I mean if you weren’t such a photo whore—”

“I am not!” Harry exclaimed, cutting off your sentence. “I don’t see you complaining, when I take shirtless photos.”

You were silent for a moment. “See now I got you,” he smirked, crossing his arms across his chest.

“I mean,” you began, a grin spreading across your face. “Look at that body. Damn. You got the whole package. Muscles. An ass. A girl can’t help herself.”

“Mhmm,” he said, eyeing you skeptically. *GIF*

“You know I love you Harry,” You smiled, wrapping your arms around him.

“Mhmm, sure.”

Harry Styles Imagines (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now