Lady In My Life

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WARNING!?!?! This is a short Imagine :P BTW who's gonna go to Six Flags this summer because i'm going. Six Flags is my favorite amusement park :) 


Harry’s POV

She was sleeping with me again. Not in that way where we’re fucking like two wild rabbits, but in that way where my arm is secured around her waist, and her head is resting on my chest. *GIF* We’re sleeping together in most innocent way we can. 

(Y/N)’s hair tickles my nose, and I brush a few strands of it away. Her soft snores pause for a moment causing me to worry that I had woke her up, but when her deep breathing resumes, I allow myself to relax.

I knew that there several things wrong with this picture. The first being that two people that were just friends probably shouldn’t sleep together on the regular basis. Second, they most definitely shouldn’t sleep together half naked. Third, they 100% should sleep in separate beds when one of the two was currently dating a guy who lived down the hall.

Author's POV (Meeee)

Still, the longer Harry lay there with (Y/N) in his arms, the less he began to care about the repercussions of sleeping with her. As long as she was around to keep him warm during the night, nothing else seemed to matter. Simply because no matter who (Y/N) was dating, she was still the lady in his life.

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