Date Night

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Your POV-

“I had a great time tonight,” I blushed, brushing a piece of hair behind my ear.

“Me too,”Harry replied, grinning at me. He shoved his hands in his pockets suddenly appearing nervous. I twiddled the stuffed bear Harry had won me in between my hands, waiting for him to say something.

“Maybe we should do this again?” He blurted out, catching me by surprise.

I stopped walking, looking up at him in shock. “Yeah we should,” I said, smiling extra hard. His eyes locked with mine, and I found myself leaning forward to kiss him. He was so close I could feel his breath against mine.

I was about to close the gap between us, when I felt a drop of rain fall on my head. “What?” I gasped, glancing up at the sky, but before my thought was completely out of my mouth, the sky open up and poured down on Harry and I.

“Come on,” Harry yelled, grabbing my hand. I smiled enjoying the way his hand felt in mine. 

I couldn’t help, but laugh as Harry and I danced down the street. I giggled as I watched Harry do a backflip and almost fall on his butt. We continued down the street acting like fools. “I wanna show you something,” Harry smiled, leading me off the course to my house.

“But I’m gonna be late, and plus I’m soaking wet,” I protested, tugging away from him.

“A little more rain won’t hurt,” I smirked, and I reluctantly followed him. He lead me to through this neighborhood to a random park.

“A park?” I asked, glancing at him skeptically. 

“Yeah,” he announced proudly. “It’s even more fun in the rain.”

I followed him to the swings, climbing onto the one next to him. I pumped my legs soaring higher laughing all the way to the top. We just swung and swung until our legs hurt and our lungs burned from laughing so hard.

When we finally made it back to my house, the rain had finally let up. We stood there just laughing. “This was fun. I haven’t had this much fun in a while,” I smiled, trying to wring out my damp bear.

“Yeah,” Harry replied. “Me too.”

He closed the space between us, putting his hands on mine stopping me from what I was doing. He lifted my chin up so that I was looking him right in the eye. I carefully leaned forward bringing my lips to his. I wrapped my arms around him, not even caring that I had dropped the bear. It felt like the world had fallen away, and we were the only two left. I didn’t care though. The only thing that mattered was the way Harry made electricity run through me. The way Harry made me feel alive.

We would have stayed like that, but the cock of a gun brought us both back to reality. I quickly pulled away from Harry, who was still dazed by our little makeout session. 

“What the hell are y’all doing?!” my father yelled, holding his shotgun. Both Harry and I were speechless. We probably looked like deer caught in headlights.

“Daddy?” I stuttered, blushing with embarrassment. 

“Don’t you daddy me! Get your ass upstairs!” He growled, evily glaring at Harry.

I shot Harry a sympathetic glance, then followed my father’s orders. “I’m sorry Sir,” Harry mumbled, staring at his shoes with shame. “This was my fault.”

“Mhmm,” my father grunted. “Well, I’ll let you off with a warning this time. But next time…”

“I understand,” Harry replied, nodding his head. 

“Good. Now get off my doorstep,” My father yelled, then slammed the door shut.

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