All I Could Do Was Cry

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Your POV

I stared at Harry from across the aisle hoping to catch his eye, but he wasn’t looking at me. He was watching her. I had to admit she looked beautiful, but of course she did. It was her wedding day. I watched helplessly as my best friend walked down the aisle to begin the first day of the rest of her life with the man I loved. And there was nothing I could do about it, but stand there as the maid of honor wishing her well.

I did everything right. I stood there with my fake smile plastered on my face watching as he slide the ring, my ring, onto her finger saying those words that were meant for me.

“Do you, Harry Styles take her to be your lawfully wedded wife,” the pastor was saying loud enough for the whole room to hear.

“I do,” he responded proudly right on cue. I thought I could handle it, but those two words broke my heart.

The crowd began cheering. The choir began singing the final exit song. They were now Mr. and Mrs.Styles. A title I thought I would someday hold. They exited with me trailing behind them like I was supposed to. I helped her into the limo fixing her dress just right. She smiled thanking me, then they were gone.

I lost the man I loved and the worst part it was to my best friend. I heard them say those sad words “‘Till death do us part” a forever reminder of how Harrry and I will never be together. Their life together just beginning, while mine is coming to an end. I watched their limo drive off, the “Just Married” sign mocking me. I let the tears slip down my face not even bothering hide them. I let him walk right out of my life, and all I could do about it is cry.

“Why are you crying,” some random person asks me. I didn’t even bother to meet their gaze.

“I’m going to miss my bestfriend,” I lied. In a way it wasn’t all a lie because Harry was my best friend for as long as I could remember.

“Don’t worry honey,” she replied trying to soothe me. “I’m sure you two will still be best friends.” I wish I could believe her, but I knew she was wrong. And all I could do about it was cry.

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