Used By You

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This is a personal imagine for Sihampjuhxx................


Harry’s POV

Siham dropped her bag by my hotel door, a frown already beginning to form on her face. I could see tears falling from her eyes, and I barely had time to register anything before she launched herself into my arms. She buried her face in my chest, silently crying.

“He cheated, Harry,” she pulled herself out my arms, wiping her tears away angrily. I watched her, amazed at how she even managed to look beautiful when she was so angry. “He fucking cheated on me.”

Her eyes locked on mine for a moment. She looked at me curiously, and I knew there was a million thoughts running through her head and none of them were particularly nice. Her lips twisted upwards in a smirk, causing me to briefly question her sanity.

“Siham, are you -”

My words were cut off by the feeling of Siham’s lips on my own. I stood there in shock for a second before I wrapped my arms around her waist. Her fingers gripped the front of my shirt tightly, and I pulled her closer, enjoying the feeling of her body on mine.

“We shouldn’t,” I whispered.

“We're not doing anything wrong,” she responded. Her hands were already unbuttoning my shirt. “‘Cause he deserve it. Besides, I know you want me; I see the way you look at me.”

I look at her, stunned by her comment. Had I really been that obvious in my attraction to her? I stared at her, and in a moment of bravery, I decided to fall victim to my lust.

Immediately, I crashed my lips on hers, allowing my tongue to trace the curve of her bottom lip. She parted her lips, granting me entrance, and my fingers clumsily fumbled to remove her shirt. Her hands already began working at my belt, her lips leaving a trail of kisses from mouth to my navel. Her hands gripped the waistband of my boxers, pausing to see if I was OK.

“Don’t be shy,” I said, gesturing for her to continue.

I knew that the only reason Siham was even doing this was to get back at her boyfriend, but when she glanced up at me mischievously, I was well aware that I was perfectly OK with being used by her.

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