The Mess I've Made

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*Personal Imagine for JJ_4_EVA*


Harry’s POV

“I’m done,” Jordyne yelled throwing her clothes into a bag. “I just can’t do this anymore.”

“Fine then,” I yelled back aggravated. I knew I had made a mistake, but I tried to apologize and all she did was throw it back in my face.

“Have a nice life,” Jordyne screamed and then she was gone. The moment I heard that door click shut I knew I was wrong. I walked over to the window and watched her pull out of the driveway. What have I done? Shit. I quickly ran down the steps out the front door into the street, but I was too late.

“Shit,” I yelled down the empty street. “Look at the mess I’ve made.”

I trudged back into the house mentally cursing myself for what I’ve done. Why did I have to cheat on Jordyne? Why do I always ruin everything that is close to me? Why couldn’t I have just apologized and kissed her and told her I loved her? I should have went after her sooner instead of watching her leave.

I pulled out my phone and dialed her number. It took all the strength I had to keep my hands from shaking. 

“What Harry,” she answered still angry from our fight before.

“Baby I’m sorry can we please talk,” I pleaded tears starting to flow down my face.

“I’m listening Harry,” she droned. This was my last chance to make things right.

“Please don’t leave me. I can’t live life without you. I know I’ve made a mistake, but I didn’t realize what I had until you were gone,” I begged hoping that she would see how desperate I truly was. “I know I’ve made a mess but I’m willing to work past this.”

I could hear her sigh in the phone. “I know Harry but.”

“Just give me a second chance,” I pleaded. I could hear her fumbling with the phone on the other side, then I heard the door open. I quickly ran down the stairs to greet Jordyne at the door. I picked her up and spun her around tears of joy streaming down my face.

When I put her down, she didn’t smile though. “This is your last chance Harry,” she warned, but that’s all I need.

“I promise I won’t ever break your heart again,” I promised pulling her into my arms.

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