The Way That I Love You

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I just wanted to inform yall that I unfollowed every single person that follows me on Wattpad. Everyday my followers are going up or down and since Wattpad doesn't tell you who unfollows you like Instagram does, I just unfollowed everyone....

It took me about 30 minutes to unfollow everybody because I kept stopping >_< But i still was able to do it. If you follow me, you can unfollow me since I unfollowed you, if you want. I wouldn't mind & I would totally understand. 

Also, I'm posting some imagines to my Harry Styles Dirty Imagines (Book 3) tonight so make sure that you read it......ENJOY!


I sat in the bathtub trying to get my thoughts together. How could he do this to me? After all we have been through. Why? I rubbed my face in my hands hoping the warm water would soothe my mind. The scene from this morning still playing in my head.

Buzz. Buzz. I rolled over to find a message on Harry's phone from some girl. "Babe when are you coming over," it read. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I went through his whole phone. I saw pictures of them together, the cute messages he sent her that he used to send me. I heard Harry rustled and I quietly put the phone back.

When I really thought about it I had noticed him locking doors and never talking on the phone around me. I used to think "he doesn't want anything else. I'm too good," but obviously I wasn't. I decided I wasn't going to give up without a fight. I hopped out the tub and got all dressed up in the outfit Harry loves to see me in. I waited for Harry to get home. When he did, I had his favorite meal on the table. I could tell he had something on his mind, but I shook the thought of him and her.

"Look (y/n)," he started, but I cut him off.

"I made your favorite Harry," I said eagerly trying to act like I didn't see where he was going with this.

"I already ate. Look (Y/N)," he sighed rubbing the back of his neck. "I don't really know how to put this."

"I already know," I blurted out nonchalantly. "And I don't care. Just leave her." I watched Harry stare at me like he didn't even know me anymore.

"I'm not leaving Alyssa. I love her. I'm leaving you," he replied slightly aggravated.

"But I love you Harry," I sobbed trying to stop him from leaving. I followed him to the front door trying my hardest to get him to stay.

"I just don't love you the same way anymore," he said pushing me off. I collapsed to the ground sobbing. I couldn't believe that the love of my life was leaving me there sobbing on the ground like a fool. With tears in my eyes I angrily watched as my true love disappeared behind the door leaving me alone forever.

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