Run Away With Me

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Your POV

I lay on the park picnic table with Harry squished beside me, his fingers combing through my hair. The moon shone brightly, casting an eerie glow on the empty park. My head rested on his chest, and I closed my eyes, unwilling to let this moment pass. If anything, I wanted to stay like this forever. I was sick of lying to my parents and my friends about dating Harry, but I knew that if they found out about our relationship… well, it was better not to think about that.

I had met Harry at a party a year ago, and we immediately kicked it off. I had never met a guy that could make me smile the way he did. It wasn’t until our third date that I realized he was hanging with Zayn, Louis, Liam, and Niall. The four of them were working for some guys, who were trying to mess around with my father’s drug deals, and I knew that if anybody, who was close with my family, saw Harry and I together, we would both be in serious shit.

“I’m sick of this, (Y/N),” Harry mumbled. He sat up, and I followed suit, intertwining our fingers. “I’m gettin’ tired of seeing you around school and not being able to say shit, especially since that boy, James, started hitting on you.”

Frowning, I leaned my head on his shoulder. “What can we do? You know what my family would do to you if they found out that you were even thinking about me.”

“Yeah,” he smirked. “My thoughts about you aren’t always the cleanest. Ever since I found out that you like to scream while in bed…”

“Harry,” I smacked him on the head. “I’m serious.”

“Me too, baby! You scream hella loud!”

He fell into a fit of laughter, *GIF* and I smiled, trying to fake like I was annoyed with him. When his laughing died down, he brought his lips to mine. I could feel my body humming with electricity, and I damn near cried when he pulled away.

“Why don’t we just leave?” I whispered, my lips brushing against his.

He smirked. “And go where? I don’t know anybody outside of the city.”

“We could go somewhere completely new and start over,” I suggested. My mind was already reeling at the idea of leaving. “You got a lot of money; we’ll be fine.”

“Baby, that money ain’t gonna last us forever,” he said.

“Then we’ll get jobs. Shit, I’ll work in a department store,” I stood up. “C’mon. You said you were sick of it.”

He took a deep breath before climbing off of the table. “Alrght. We’ll leave, but we’re leaving tomorrow night. Meet me here, and don’t tell your big mouth girls.”

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