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I'm late by a whole day >_< Anyway, Happy Late Thanksgiving :) Hope you all had as much fun as I did. If you follow me on Instagram, you would've seen the video that I posted up of my granny dancing. I was like Bruhhhh >_< I Love My Family.


Harry's POV-

I smiled as drove through the familiar streets of the neighborhood I grew up in. But as I pulled into the driveway, I could tell something was off with (Y/N). She hadn’t said one word since we left the house. “Is something wrong?” I asked, glancing over at (Y/N).

She let out a loud sigh, before answering. “It’s just…I’m nervous. What if your family doesn’t like me?”

The look on her face read pure terror, and I smiled remembering exactly how I felt when I met her parents. “You’ll be fine,” I assured her, leaning over to give her a small kiss on the check. “I mean I love you, so I know they’ll love you too.”

I climbed out the car and headed up to the door with (Y/N) nervously trailing behind me. I slipped my hand in hers, before reaching for the door handle. “Are you ready for this?” I said, mocking a serious tone to mess with her. I knew it wasn’t right, but it was so worth it.

Hesitantly, she nodded, and I pushed open the door. “Mom, We’re here,” I called, making my way back into the kitchen.

She smiled, pulling me into her arms. “I’m so glad you’re home.”

“Mom, I was here last week.”

“Still,” She smiled, pulling away. “And who is this?”

I motioned for (Y/N) to step forward. “This is my girlfriend, (Y/N),” I offered.

She carefully glanced over (Y/N), before speaking again. “She’s very beautiful, Harry,” My mother smiled, before pulling (Y/N) into a big hug. “Welcome to the family.” She wrapped her arm around (Y/N), personally escorting her to the kitchen. “Harry, come. There is so much to do before the whole family come.”

(Y/N) shot me a look, and I smiled. “See nothing to worry about,” I mouthed, and she rolled her eyes.”


After dinner, we all sat around the table talking and watching the football game. I sat back watching (Y/N) interact with my family. She was so busy. Not only was she arguing with my uncle about who was going to win the football game, but my  little cousin wanted to play with her.

“Their offense sucks,” She was arguing. “I mean have you seen their quarterback.”

Catching her off guard, I pulled her into my lap. “Having fun?” I asked, kissing her on the neck.

She grinned, pulling away from me. “I’ll debate with you guys later,” She called, before turning to me. “And you….You can wait,” She smirked, before hopping out of my lap.

“Told you you’d do fine,” I reminded her.

She rolled her eyes. “Yeah, whatever.”

Harry Styles Imagines (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now