Welcome Home, With a surprise

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*Personal Imagine for Hannah Reigns*


"Hannah, Hannah I’m home,” Harry called setting his stuff down by the front door.

Hannah came running down the stairs jumping on Harry. “I missed you so much,” she squealed planting kisses all over Harry.

“I missed you too, baby,” Harry replied carrying her up the stairs to the bedroom. Harry gently placed her on the bed and began pulling off her tank top.

“Wait I have to tell you something,” Hannah said placing her hands on Harry’s.

“What is it,” Harry says between kisses.

“I’m pregnant. You’re gonna be a father Harry,” Hannah grinned tugging on Harry’s curls. Harry jumped up with excitement picking Hannah up and spinning her around

“I’m gonna be a father,” he cheered with excitement placing kisses all over her face. “It’s gonna be a boy. I know it.”

Harry began dancing uncontrollably around the room making Hannah laugh. “Calm down, Harry,” Hannah giggled tugging on Harry’s hand. Harry swiftly picked her up and spun her around again. 

“I can’t have my little boy walking around in just anything,” Harry cheered. “Only the best for my boy.”

Harry was so excited he was rambling about nothing. “We have to pick out his little clothes and his furniture,” Harry rambled putting you down and pacing around the room.

“What are we gonna name him,” Harry asked excitedly turning to face you.

“How are you so sure it’s a boy,” Hannah joked pulling Harry on top of her. “I think it’s a girl.”

Harry smiled rolling over so Hannah was on top of him. “I don’t care. I’m just happy I’m gonna be a dad.”

“Welcome home baby,” Hannah whispered kissing Harry sweetly. “Welcome home.”

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