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Harry sat on the table writing something in his journal. You silently watched him from the doorway. He was so concentrated that he didn’t even see you walk in and sit next to him.

“Whatcha writing,” you questioned causing him to jump. He suddenly shut his journal when he noticed you looking at it curiously.

“When are you going to let me read your Journal,” you sighed a look of hurt written across your face.

Harry hates to see you so hurt, so he pulled you onto his lap and placed a kiss on your cheek. “Why don’t you trust me,” you asked letting a few tears slip down your face. 

“It’s not that,” he sighed looking somewhere off into the distance. “It’s just there’s a lot about me in there. A part of me I didn’t want you to see.”

For the first time you looked at Harry as a stranger. It felt like he was hold himself back from you. Like he was shutting you out. “Fine then Harry,” you snapped heading out of the kitchen.

Harry sat there for a moment contemplating on if he want to let you in or not, then he followed you. “Wait,” he called stopping you on the stairwell. “Go ahead and read it.”

You couldn’t believe what he was saying. “Are you sure,” you asked wiping the last of you tears. He nodded in reply handing you the notebook. You sat down on the steps carefully opening the first page.


His words brought tears to your eyes. You never knew Harry was so hurt when he was younger. He seemed so lost and sad. You turned another page discovering the day he met you. You smiled as you read the wonderful things he wrote about you.

“She is my light. My Angel,” you read bringing more tears of joy to your eyes. After reading the last page, you wrapped Harry into a huge hug. 

“I’m so sorry,” you whispered letting your tears drip on his shirt.

He pulled you away looking at you curiously. “What are you sorry for,” he asked staring into your eyes. “You saved me. God sent an angel to me saving me from my dark life.” He lifted you chin gently placing a kiss on your lips.

“I love you,” you whispered resting your head on his chest.

“I love you too, (Y/N).”

Harry Styles Imagines (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now