How To Be A Heartbreaker

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Your POV-

I surveyed the crowd looking for my next victim. When I spotted a dude with curly hair standing with his friends, I knew he was my next target. I stood up, making sure my hair was in place before heading over towards him. I took a deep breath remembering the heartbreaker’s rules.

Rule one: Enjoy it. Have fun, but split when it’s over. 

Rule two: Don’t get attached. You are on a mission. You don’t need useless emotions getting in the way. 

Rule three: keep your heart guarded at all time. 

And last but not least. Rule four: Look hot and leave him wanting more. 

I’ve been a pro at this for as long as I could remember. I wasn’t always like this though. I was in love once. I thought we would get married, but he was a player and broke my heart. Now I refuse to be broken and hurt again. I will be the heartbreaker, before they can break my heart. Boys are stupid, falling for a stranger. They need to be taught a lesson.

I watched as a grin spread across his face when I approached him. “Hey cutie,” I smiled, eyeing him with just enough lust to have him in the palm of my hand.

“Hey babe, what’s your name?” He smirked, his eyes scanning my body.

I leaned over so that my lips were inches away from his ear. “I’m (Y/N), and tonight I’m all yours,” I whispered lustfully.

When I leaned away, the stupid grin on his face told me that he was mine. I let him wrap his arm around my waist. “Let’s take this back to my place, yeah?” he said guiding me through the crowd.


I quickly got up and slid back into my dress. “Where are you going?” he asked sitting up and watching me get dressed. I ignored the question, and continued with what I was doing.

"Don’t leave," he pleaded. They always beg.

"I have to," I replied, coldly the words ‘no emotion’ running through my head. I headed for the door pausing, turning back to look at him. I could see the sadness and pain in his eyes. I could see the desire too. He wanted me. I ignored his pleas, and left. It had to be done.

Like I said, I wasn’t always like this. I’m just trying to teach these players a lesson. It’s a shame too, this one was cute. Oh well.

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