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Your head bobbed up and down enjoying Harry’s moans. His fingers entangled themselves in your hair as you moved your head faster. His hips bucked up thrusting in and out of your mouth, and you only moved faster. His groans grew louder drowning out the sounds of tiny feet making their way to your room. He tightened his grip on your head just as the door flung open. You pulled away just Ray came into your mouth, and you quickly swallowed.

“Oh my god!” your fifteen year old daughter covered her eyes in fear. “I came in here to ask to borrow the car, and this is what I see! Sweet Jesus, my innocent eyes!”

“Damn it, Darcy!” Harry yelled. He wrapped himself up in the sheets trying to maintain his dignity. “Can’t you knock? This is my damn door, so you can knock on it before opening it!”

“Honey, calm down,” you scolded Harry while simultaneously trying to wipe your face. “Look, baby, you need to knock.”

“Why are you even doing this at three in the afternoon?” Darcy asked. “Is that legal? Can adults do this stuff before ten o’clock!”

“How did you think you got here?” Harry asked. “We like afternoon sex!” *GIF*

“Oh my God!” Your daughter screamed. 

She ran out the room not slamming the door behind her. You smiled as you heard her slam the door to your room as well.

“We really need to start locking doors,” you muttered.

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